Euthanasia….. Mercy killing….. Assisted suicide…..
People can call euthanasia of many ways, but for me is the same, is just letting people choose to die when they are very sick.
When I hear the word the first thing comes to my mind is death, but still I agree, the truth is I would like to euthanasia to be legal in Chile. The people have a right to live, and also I think the people would have a right to chose when die if is suffering, just like that, but in my country we don´t have a right to die.
Now I not remember name´s famous cases of euthanasia, but I know there were comments on the news about people of other countries that demand their governments the right to die, because they are suffering a lot or want die before start suffer. I agree with his demand, nobody have right to decided if someone sick have to live or die, just because you believes that the life is something sacred or something like that, you can´t limited the freedom of other person. The government can´t keep people suffering just because a law says that.
I don´t consider myself like a religious person, I really don´t like the church and don´t believe in the bible or god, but I supposed to be catholic, and I know that the catholic religion doesn’t agree with euthanasia.
Finally, I have to clarify something, I believe that the euthanasia only would have to be used in cases of painful terminal disease, when that person did everything po
ssible to heal himself, and don´t have more things would do before die.
See you!!