Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cat lover ♥

Nothing is cuter than a little cat, a dog or hamster. I love the little pets, especially the cats, but I´ve never had a cat because my mother is allergic and doesn´t likes cats (u.u). Now, I have 3 pets at home, a dog, a fish and a bird.
I´m an animal lover, so I agree with the animal rights groups. I´ve never participated at these groups, but in the future I will like do it. I think that just like the humans, the pets have rights that we have to respect, not because them can´t defend himself, we are free to do everything we want with them. So, I hate when the people use animals for medical research or to try cosmetics, this actually bothers me.
We should think about what the animals think about us. I believe that if the animals could do a documentary movie about us, we would be good and bad people at the same time, because some of us love our pets and treat them well, but the wild animals suffer the destruction of the habitats, because people don´t care about nature when it impedes the progress of the city and industries.
Also, I think that the animals have right to be free. But even if I think that the animals have to be free, I like the zoo and I don´t care that these wild animals are in captivity because they are in good hands. Also, I want go to the safari of Rancagua (when I will have time).
Just like I said before , I am a cat lover, so if I could be an animal, I would choose to be a cat. I think they are so cute, adorable, lovable and soft that I will like be one LOL.
See you!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring for the Earth

How important is for you the Earth?? Do you care about the wild animals?? To me is important don´t destroy the planet, but I not recycle or do anything to save energy. Maybe it is because never taught me in the school habits of recycling. So the truth is I don´t really care about help to save the environment.
The only thing I can say about this is that I really bothers me the industries contaminate beautiful places just because the owner want more money. Actually I´m thinking about Ventana and the children of La Greda. All the time I go of vacations to the beach next to this place (called Loncura) and sometimes me sick for this toxic emanations of Ventana. I hate that the environmental policies be ineffective, every time I see in the news that the children are intoxicated because the pollution in more than permitted, bothers me, especially because it is every couple of months. They are accustomed to pay the infraction and continue emanating pollution, without thinking in the people next to the plant. I believe that is important in Chile create effective environmental policies.
Also believe that is necessary teach in the school environmentally friendly practices, and start it in the kindergarden because the sooner these practices are taught better. In my case I don´t have this education and it is one of the reasons because I don´t care for the environment, and now change my habits is difficult the only thing that I do relative to this topic is use energy-saving bulbs in home.
So that is all I can say about it, see you!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rock in my life

A good song is one that can transmit the feelings of the lyrics…. For me the best music is one that can make me feel something, even when I don´t understand the meaning of the lyrics because it is in another language. When I listening music I feel relaxed, so I always try to do all my duties with music.
Just like I said, I don´t care the language of the music, actually, I listen J-music (if you don`t know, it is means Japanese music), especially J-rock. One of the things I like of this music is that only some people know it and these persons are those who really like the Japanese culture or the anime, just like me. But lamentably because this is a unknown music for the most people, is very difficult buy original CDs of my favourite groups, so I have to download of internet the songs that like me of they, and I have no the opportunity of been to concerts of my preferred bands too often, although now are some producer very interested in bringing Japanese bands to Chile. Actually, I only been able to go to two concerts of J-music, one at the 2010 and the other the last year. So I hope to have the opportunity this year to go to more concerts.
In general I like very much the music, but I hate some types of music, and these are the new popular stiles like reggaeton (or as it write), is stressing for me when I go in the bus and somebody starts to listen to ths music with his cell phone, this bother me a lot, I don´t understand why they listening in public places music without earphones.
For finish, I have to say that the music can´t disappear, I can´t think in a world without music, for me it would be just like a world without feelings, and this is so sad that not even want to think about.
That is all, see you!!
PD: I recommend you listen Japanese rock musicians at some minute, they have very good songs.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Nature´s sounds


Do you like birdsongs?? Well, I do, makes me feel relax, and apparently some scientist think that the birdsong have benefits for the people. So, I am going to tell about a new of “The guardian” called “Scientists to study psychological benefits of birdsong”.

It claims that Eleanor Ratcliffe is the researcher undertaking of a project will explore the impact of birdsong on creativity and sense of wellbeing. It will to be explored in a tree year research project at the University of Surrey.

She says that will examine the psychology impact of being exposed to birdsongs, and for that she will first interview at representative sample of the general public to understand how people perceive natural sounds and whether birdsong does, and will later recruit subjects through social media and examine the effect of birdsong on their brains and behavior, including testing to explore if have the same impact as listening to birdsongs in different places.

It also states that environmental psychology is looking how the natural world affects people, because anecdotal evidence suggests that we respond positively.
I choose these because in psychology is important help people to feel good, and think that the results of this research will able to use, for example, in relaxing therapy. So, I hope to read about the results soon, because I want know what songs are more effectives to relax me when I am stress and also want know how help other people to relaxing.

Here is the link so you can read the full new:

See you!!