Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Caring for the Earth

How important is for you the Earth?? Do you care about the wild animals?? To me is important don´t destroy the planet, but I not recycle or do anything to save energy. Maybe it is because never taught me in the school habits of recycling. So the truth is I don´t really care about help to save the environment.
The only thing I can say about this is that I really bothers me the industries contaminate beautiful places just because the owner want more money. Actually I´m thinking about Ventana and the children of La Greda. All the time I go of vacations to the beach next to this place (called Loncura) and sometimes me sick for this toxic emanations of Ventana. I hate that the environmental policies be ineffective, every time I see in the news that the children are intoxicated because the pollution in more than permitted, bothers me, especially because it is every couple of months. They are accustomed to pay the infraction and continue emanating pollution, without thinking in the people next to the plant. I believe that is important in Chile create effective environmental policies.
Also believe that is necessary teach in the school environmentally friendly practices, and start it in the kindergarden because the sooner these practices are taught better. In my case I don´t have this education and it is one of the reasons because I don´t care for the environment, and now change my habits is difficult the only thing that I do relative to this topic is use energy-saving bulbs in home.
So that is all I can say about it, see you!!


  1. Hi Deni!

    I agree with necessary that the teachers and the parents teach to the children environmentally friendly practices, becuase if they don´t teach, our planet will die!!

    See you!

  2. Deni!! Hi, how are you? :)

    I agree with you, I think family and school are necessary for teach to care de environment, and I also hate situations like what happened in La Greda.

    See you :)
