Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rock in my life

A good song is one that can transmit the feelings of the lyrics…. For me the best music is one that can make me feel something, even when I don´t understand the meaning of the lyrics because it is in another language. When I listening music I feel relaxed, so I always try to do all my duties with music.
Just like I said, I don´t care the language of the music, actually, I listen J-music (if you don`t know, it is means Japanese music), especially J-rock. One of the things I like of this music is that only some people know it and these persons are those who really like the Japanese culture or the anime, just like me. But lamentably because this is a unknown music for the most people, is very difficult buy original CDs of my favourite groups, so I have to download of internet the songs that like me of they, and I have no the opportunity of been to concerts of my preferred bands too often, although now are some producer very interested in bringing Japanese bands to Chile. Actually, I only been able to go to two concerts of J-music, one at the 2010 and the other the last year. So I hope to have the opportunity this year to go to more concerts.
In general I like very much the music, but I hate some types of music, and these are the new popular stiles like reggaeton (or as it write), is stressing for me when I go in the bus and somebody starts to listen to ths music with his cell phone, this bother me a lot, I don´t understand why they listening in public places music without earphones.
For finish, I have to say that the music can´t disappear, I can´t think in a world without music, for me it would be just like a world without feelings, and this is so sad that not even want to think about.
That is all, see you!!
PD: I recommend you listen Japanese rock musicians at some minute, they have very good songs.


  1. Hi Deni!

    I have never listened Japanese music!! I think that I will follow your recommendation!!

    See you!

  2. Hii Deni!! :) How are you??

    A friend of mine listens a lot of J-music! so I could say I know some bands ahaha, as L~arc in Ciel, Goatbed and some others. I'm sure you love MIYAVI!!! hahaha

    Well, it's really sad that they don't come so much to our country :( but they will haha, globalization is everywhere!

    see you! kisses :)

  3. Hi Deni!
    I really don't know anything about Japanese music, maybe you could attach some video in this post :)
    And I totally agree with you: I hate reggaeton music! it's very annoying and also it makes my ears bleed hahaha
    Nice post, see you!
